There's a difference between umpiring solely for the money and umpiring because it's a hobby you enjoy that also pays.
If given a choice between 8, 1.5 hour time limit, 9U games on a Saturday in your home town @ $30, and 1 D-2 game , 1.5 hours away @$125, most "umpires only for the money) would take the former; most others would take the latter.
Most (and there are exceptions, on both sides) who do it only for the money show up just before game time, leave immediately after, don't study the rules or mechanics, wear old wrinkled / dirty clothes, etc. They often are the Smittys.
I, too, know umpires who umpire for the money and who don't fall into that description. That wasn't (I am quite certain) what Rich was talking about. I'm also quite certain that posters who pretend not to understand that actually do.