Originally Posted by DG
Well I don't know that it is. Minor league teams pay peanuts for umpires, but they don't expect to play with just one to save money.
And if an AD wants Varsity level umpires all he/she has to do is ask for them and pay more, $10 more per game around here, but assignor is going to balk at sending one, and no one would ask. And even then they not going to get the grizzled veterans, they will get 3-4 year "veterans".
Wow. Here, Varsity umpires work varsity. JV umpires are working their way up. If an AD asked for Varsity Umpires for a JV game the assignor would laugh. We have an agreement with the schools that the top umpires are assigned to work varsity games. Sub varsity games are assigned next with what's left, starting with those with JV experience and working the way down to newbies.