You make a good point. Rule 1-5 covers equipment and articles 2,3 and 5 carry a penalty on the head coach as spelled out in 9-8-1h. Rule 1-5-6 and it does not specifically state the unsportsmanlike foul is on the player.
One thing that confuses me and I know two seasons ago I gave a 15-yard from the previous spot for that foul. Can't take that back! This is an exception to USC enforcement because the yardage is only 5 yards.
This sent me back to the Rule Book because I seem to remember sometime in the last 20 years that foul was a live ball foul. But could not find the old rule.
As to your question. All unsportsmanlike fouls are enforced from the succeeding spot (2-16-2e). And by definition an unsportsmanlike foul is a noncontact foul (see titles for Rules 9-5 and 9-8).
Therefore, the citation in 1.5.6 is merely stating penalty enforcement basics.