Here's one of the plays. I'll have to search for the other when I have time. Off to a doubleheader right now.
10.1.8 SITUATION: Immediately following a goal or free throw by Team A, or following a time-out in this situation, A1 inbounds the ball to A2 and A2 subsequently throws the ball through A' s basket. Ruling: The following procedure has been adopted to handle this specific situation if it is recognized before the opponents gain control or before the next throw-in begins.
a. Charge Team A with a technical foul.
b. Cancel the field goal.
c. Cancel any common foul(s) committed and any nonflagrant foul against A2 in the act of shooting.
d. Put "consumed" time back on the clock.
Comment: If there is no doubt the throw-in was a result of confusion, especially after a time-out, the entire procedure would be followed except no technical foul would be charged. This procedure shall not be used in any other throw-in situation in which a mistake allows the wrong team to inbound the ball.
" cool as the other side of the pillow." - Stuart Scott
"You should never be proud of doing the right thing." - Dean Smith