Originally Posted by Camron Rust
I thought we were talking about HS rules where there is no shot clock and, before now, there was no team control on the throwin.
Under that context....covering the timeframe where you always felt the rule was not adequate, what exactly was missing or unclear? Some things are just that simple.
I just noticed, while looking at the NCAA book, that player control is technically defined to exist during the throw-in.
Art. 1. A player shall be in control when:
a. Holding a live ball; or
b. Dribbling a live ball while inbounds.
But the rule does not say player control nor team control to have a 10-second count. It says
continuous control. And we have the situation where if a team has the ball in the front court and the defense tips the ball into the back court we start the count as soon as the ball attains back court status. That flies directly in the face of what most interpret as to when to start the BC count for throw-ins, doesn't it?
So you are doing your pregame. And the sitch posed is: we have a throw-in after a made basket (NCAA rules) and
a) B1 tips the ball and the ball bounces in the BC or
b) A2 tips the ball and the ball bounces in the BC. When should the 10-second count start? We know that the shot clock starts immediately in both cases.
And pretend I'm a young official working his first career JuCo game so I have my rule book in hand looking for a clear reference. And this young official just reviewed how A1, in the FC, passes to A2 but the ball is tipped into the BC by B2 and this young officials knows that we start the 10-second as soon as the ball attains BC status.