Thread: D3K rules
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Old Tue Apr 19, 2011, 04:26pm
dilligaf dilligaf is offline
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Posts: 38
D3K rules

Had a major fist last night. It was a 12U city league game and both teams were marginal at best. Clock had run out and the home team was getting their last licks when the time expired. The home team was down by 1 run.
Two outs and the bases were loaded. D3K is in effect for this league. Catcher drops the 3rd strike and the fun begins. BR jogs down to 1B and believe it or not the catcher just rolls the ball out to the mound and the team began to celebrate their win in front of their dugout. Yep…you guessed it. Runners on 3B and 2B base run in to score. Game over and home team takes the win.

Coach comes unglued. He started yelling that the bases were occupied so the BR could not go down to first. He said he knew the rule and that my interpretation was wrong. He calls the league president and stated to complain. She comes over to the field and he told her what happened. She came to me and told me I was wrong and that the visiting team was the winners. I explained to her what happened and she the informed me that if 1st base is occupied the BR could not take the base even if there are two outs. She confirmed that D3K was in effect however she knows without a doubt that you can never take 1B on D3K even if there are two outs. I verified that there were no league exceptions that they had made regarding the rule.
did not want to argue with her and turned in the score card to the scorekeeper and went on my way. The home team coach was pretty good about the whole thing. He said that he would handle it with them at their meeting tonight and remind them what the rule is. I guess you just have to take it with a grain of salt and mark it up to another for the books.
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