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Old Mon Apr 18, 2011, 08:26pm
KJUmp KJUmp is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2008
Posts: 937
The OP talked about fans heckling a player. Assuming that the fans were not doing this within the boundaries of the playing field, dugout or bullpen, explain to me why we would even think of involving ourselves in what was taking place.
As Irish posted ...."ball, strike, fair, foul, safe, out...." Same six words I've repeated to myself (and other umps) over an over for years. More than enough there to keep me busy or get me in trouble.
Besides, the only rules I can recall that even mentions "fans" are the rules covering spectator interference, and the one about no coach, player, or team "inciting" spectators.
It is up to the coaching staff of the team deal with school administrators/game management/TD if they feel it is an issue.
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