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Old Mon Feb 17, 2003, 06:44pm
BktBallRef BktBallRef is offline
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Originally posted by stan-MI
It doesn't take more than a split second for a player on a fast break to get from the FT line to a dunk. Unless there was something unsporting about it, I'd probably find "reasonable doubt" that the player didn't hear the whistle or couldn't stop in time. Take a look at NCAA 10-3-13, AR6 and AR7. It's a supportable no call, and probably more readily accepted than a strict rulebook call.
NF not NCAA.

I think if you saw the play, you might be more likely to agree with the call. A1 was inside the FT semi-circle, prior to crossing the FT line when the whistle blew. It wasn't a petty foul, so I know he felt the contact. He took two more dribbles, did a jump stop went, up over B2 who was waiting to try a charge and dunked it.

It was pretty clear to me, but I posted since this is a play that I don't recall us discussing before.
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