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Old Mon Apr 18, 2011, 07:10am
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Sep 2000
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Originally Posted by kleeds View Post
However, With Cyber Bullying being an issue is this something we are going to have to worry about in the future in contests especially during youth contests and some players and parents can be mean?
I have a campaign for you. How about calling it "Stop The Idiocy Now"?

Cyber bullying is a load of crap. It is just as stupid as a bank teller being robbed at the drive-in. Its as ludicrous as the 84 yo lady complaining to the police that she was subject to an obscene phone call that lasted 10 minutes.

Yeah, yeah, I know all the BS, and this is just what it is, BS. This isn't like the schoolyard bully, it is words, people! Words only hurt if you are dumb enough to let them. Parents should be teaching that instead of the timid, whiney approach we see today. Where does it stop? Everything cannot be settled in a principal's office or court room.

Bullying of any type is nothing more than a fear and control issue. Just how much weaker can we get in this country?

How about just umpiring the ball game on the field in front of you? You know, ball, strike, fair, foul, safe, out, great taste, less filling.
The bat issue in softball is as much about liability, insurance and litigation as it is about competition, inflated egos and softball.
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