I recently worked a JV game at a very expensive private schoolwhich plays in the local HS league. Home team player A1 was holding the ball for such a long time that I had to call it. Whistle...5 second closely guarded. A father in the stands, well dressed in suit/tie was brutal on me regarding the call. Of course I ignored him. A few minutes later I was handling a throw-in from the sideline right in front of this father. He politely asked me "what is a 5 second closely guarded call?" I said "are you telling me that you have no idea about the rule, yet you were killing me about the call?" He sheepishly said yes. I told him that I would be happy to explain the rule after the game. He did come up afterwards and I explained it to him. He apologized (to his credit) and we both went about our business. I should have told him to be as verbalin the apology as he was in the complaining but decided to leave well enough alone.