Originally Posted by mbcrowder
So ... you're proposing that one of the field umpires, from 100-130 feet away, is supposed to be able to see this batter's heel, the chalk, and the ball being struck all at the same time and his judgment (guess!) should overrule the PU who is 2-3 feet away?
Go find a field - a 90' base one, not the 60's you're certainly working on, blur out the lines as closely as possible to what you see in the video, go head to any MLB umpire position and tell us if you can see ANY chalk - any at all. You can't.
I answered this when I said that BU
cannot overrule PU. This doesn't mean that BU if he sees something that is contrary to PUs ruling, he has the ethical responsibility to let PU know. Then PU can either do the right thing and correct his call or he can curl up and slink back behind the plate the coward he is.