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Old Tue Apr 05, 2011, 07:57am
Judtech Judtech is offline
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Originally Posted by Jurassic Referee View Post
Gee, I don't know. What do you think think the NFHS said about it?

From the NFHS 2007-08 Rule Book when the signal was first implemented....

A new signal (spreading of the arms) was added to the signal chart to communicate that a defender is not in a closely guarded situation. The new signal clearly communicates that the official is aware that the defender is attempting to obtain a closely-guarded count, but has not met the six-foot distance requirement or that the six-foot distance necessary for continuing the count has been broken. It is intended to be used as a means of communication and does NOT need to be used in obvious situations, such as when an offensive player speeds past a defender or when there is a significant distance between the ball carrier and the defender.

It's pretty straight-forward imo. It's an informational signal that should be used when an official thinks it's needed. It's just another tool we can use if we want to. If you don't feel it should used in certain situations, then you just don't use it.

And here's one for MTD SR. right out of POE #1 in this year's rule book..."Personal interpretations of the rules have a negative impact on the game. Individual philosophies and deviations from the rules, as they are written and interpreted by the NFHS, negatively impact the basic tenets and fundamentals of the game." It's kinda funny to me that the officials working a Final Four championship game find nothing wrong with using the signal when they think it's necessary, but the MTD Sr.'s of the world refuse to use it.

And btw, I might be an old dog but I keep coming here to try to avoid being labelled a stoopid old dog.
So you are saying it IS optional?
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