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Old Mon Apr 04, 2011, 07:14pm
Raymond Raymond is offline
Courageous When Prudent
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Location: Hampton Roads, VA
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Originally Posted by canuckrefguy View Post

Who's got the first look on this play? Walton at the centre position. Burr could have been a bit closer on the play - but he's behind the last two players, pretty much where he should be. He could have been "wider" - but still probably would have been straightlined. In either case, Walton still would have had the better angle.

There is absolutely no reason for Burr to be behind the last 2 players on this play. He could have officiated those 2 players from the free throw line extended. It would have given the crew inside and outside coverage of the attempted catch.

In the unlikely scenario that Rutgers would have attempted to throw a pass 90' to the deepest player Walton is more than fast enough to have made his way down the court to help and Burr would have only had to move 12-13' once he saw where the pass was going.
A-hole formerly known as BNR
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