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Old Mon Apr 04, 2011, 12:22pm
Simply The Best Simply The Best is offline
In Time Out
Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 244
Originally Posted by zm1283 View Post
Who earns $75 an hour in a high school game? That's a pretty damn good high school game fee.
Don't know, very few of my trained umpires officiate FED.
Not all umpires are trained as well as others, including "your" umpires, and that sometimes is reflected on the field.
I quite agree, I have seen none as well trained and schooled in my international travels. The physical requirements alone are exceedingly stringent, book knowledge of OBR and local rule interpretations unparralleled, consistent game control, precise and unchanging mechanics and a plethora of other conditions of certification.
Not an excuse, just how it is. Most high school associations take who they can get and quite a few have a shortage of umpires.
Which is why I allowed that our lazy, plump PU in question is most probably worth his pay.
As for the play, I'm with the guys who said he needed to get off the field whether he got the call right or not. I don't see the helmet flip if it's me and unless the player or the AC say something way out of line, I'm ignoring it and meeting my partner at the gate.
Each to his own but FED rules require post game vigilance for matters involving ejectionable offenses.
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