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Old Mon Apr 04, 2011, 12:51am
zm1283 zm1283 is offline
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Originally Posted by Simply The Best View Post
Originally Posted by Simply The Best
Terrible positioning, lazy retreat after going out on catch/no catch; tag on back when scoring R hand and chest are clearly on or past the plate; terrible call.

EJ (hopefully) justified since the player past right by PU. 2nd EJ, if it was loud enough and egregious enough to warrant an EJ, then good on PU.

You are right, I need to remember that this umpire is being paid according to his expertise and ability. For $75/hr, he has done well. My bad. My umpires earn twice that and are required to pull back and get the up the line vantage point keeping the play in front of them at all times. Which btw, the play bypassed this umpire as the throw passed him well before the slide.R = runner.
Who earns $75 an hour in a high school game? That's a pretty damn good high school game fee.

Not all umpires are trained as well as others, including "your" umpires, and that sometimes is reflected on the field. Not an excuse, just how it is. Most high school associations take who they can get and quite a few have a shortage of umpires.

As for the play, I'm with the guys who said he needed to get off the field whether he got the call right or not. I don't see the helmet flip if it's me and unless the player or the AC say something way out of line, I'm ignoring it and meeting my partner at the gate.
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