Originally Posted by UmpJM (nee CoachJM)
Where the heck you been hiding?
So, I take it you're using LAST year's NCAA FPSR rule????
Because this year, the one I "clipped" wouldn't be an FPSR violation in NCAA.
Yes, I'm sure.
P.S. 206? Way to go, dude!
See above post!
Hey John, how the heck are ya?
Thanks, I worked hard to lose the weight.
I have been very busy lately. I umpire four 9-inning top-level adult games per weekend, and I have been working on my MBA with Professional Golf Management specialization since December, and will have my Masters in July or August of next year.
It's rough playing so much golf.
The league in which I work plays 3 ten-week seasons per year, plus playoffs and championship games for each season, in 11 divisions. I have been working 2 Saturday and 2 Sunday since September 2009.