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Old Thu Mar 31, 2011, 05:09pm
Camron Rust Camron Rust is offline
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Originally Posted by Mark Padgett View Post
I do agree with those of you who feel that if you have a shot clock, there's no need to have a 10 second back court rule, so maybe we can include the five second rule in that same argument.
I don't agree.

It is a lot easier for an offense to play keep-away if they can stay in the backcourt for the entire shotclock. The 10 count forces the team to get the ball over halfcourt by 10....which, if they can't, gives the defense an opportunity to force a turnover. It reduces the size of the court the offense has to work with. Take away the 10, and you shift the balance of play a little more in favor of the offense. You could certainly debate whether that is a good thing or not or even whether the effect is enough to even matter.
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