Originally Posted by JugglingReferee
What would be more beneficial is to explain your call based on the posted NCAA rule elsewhere in this thread.
The reason I didn't explain myself on the illegal screen play is bc there should have to be no explanation. That is an easy one imo. All screening principles are the same at all levels if I'm not mistaken... A player can be a screener whether he has the ball or not. If I am holding the ball and a player is gonna come around me like a normal screen and I'm going to pitch it off to him. I have to give a moving opponent time and distance I.e., the opportunity to stop and/or change his direction and if I pitch the ball and move into him, to the side to clip him, or just stick my butt out to thwart the moving defender then I have committed an illegal act. This seemed like an easy off. Foul call imo. The fact that it is being argued baffles me. Its not incidental contact when a player has virtually turned this play into a pitch and pick in which he does it obviously illegally.