mbyron, thats just it. I am sure F2 was throwing to first to retire B/R, however B/R was already out as first base was occupied at TOP. If F2 was throwing to second then I know I can get R1 out regardless if thrown out or not on the interferrence.
Would you reward the defense on this play and get the out at second even if the defense did not actually earn it because they threw to the wrong base? F2 should have known the situation: first base occupied at TOP with less than two outs means B/R cannot advance to first base on a dropped third strike. R1 can steal second all he wants which means F2 should throw to second to retire R1, not to first to get B/R.
Would you leave R1 at second because F2 screwed up and threw to the wrong base or would you simply send R1 back to first?
Last edited by BK47; Sat Mar 26, 2011 at 08:36am.
Reason: changed to read "sendR1 back to first" instead of "send R1 back to second" on my typo.