I think you are trying to make the answer fit the question, myself. The bat in front of the batter MAY be used to help the umpire. The determining factor is and has always been whether the umpire thinks the batter made an attempt to strike at the ball. The answer *should* clearly be C. A is too strongly worded and once you put the "should" next to the words in A, it's just too much.
You know, I think you mean well, so I'll just throw you on the ignore list and that will be that. Gotta say, I am really tired of your post patterns since you've come here which are:
"Blast, blast, blast, blast, blast.
Have a nice season."
You seem to be on a high horse and I hope you enjoy your position there.
Have a nice season. Bye.
Last edited by Rich; Thu Mar 24, 2011 at 09:39am.