Originally Posted by marvin
You need to address the improper elements of the uniform with the person who is not dressed correctly. A blanket rule requiring all umps to wear a jacket if one does doesn't address the slobs - their shoes still won't be shined, their pants will probably not fit properly or be clean and un-wrinkled, and letting them put a jacket on to cover improper attire isn't the correct way to deal with this.
Making both umps wear a jacket when one does not need it for comfort is silly IMO. Making both umpires adhere to the proper dress code and to be professional in their appearance can be done without going to this extreme.
Don't know if you missed my point here, but it was that if it is cold enought to wear inappropriate attire, it is cold enough to wear the appropriate attire along with your partner.
As previously noted, I do not expect someone who is cold to go without just because his/her partner thinks it is manly to go without a jacket like those Cheeseheads (that's for you, Dave). OTOH, if it is that cold, I would rather have the umpires in matching uniforms. Again, I'm not asking an umpire to wear unnecessary apparel, just look professional in the appropriate uniform.