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Old Wed Mar 23, 2011, 08:39am
chseagle chseagle is offline
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Originally Posted by AllPurposeGamer View Post
I believe the vast majority of fans that PAID money to go to a game are paying attention the vast majority of the game. I don't even know where you get the idea that fans aren't paying attention to most of the game. And you know what...even if they aren't paying attention, whom does that hurt? What about the players and coaches who need to know the score? And how knowing the score without having to ask the scorer helps officials?

If you don't keep the score showing, you're just making a less fan friendly atmosphere. And instead of allegedly not having fans pay attention (by your assertion which I think is silly), you might just have fans not decide to go.
There are acceptable distractions: having to use the restroom or having a food craving.

Baseball teams give out as part of their programs scorecards for fans to keep track of the stats themselves (of course not everyone does that), so there's more fan participation there that keeps the fan interest in the game.

My point was that (concerning cell phones & friends/acquaintances) public gatherings have turned into social gatherings to find out the latest happenings instead of all the focus being on the event itself.

I know for a fact that some people just go to sporting events just to be there to be part of the crowd & to socialize.

Some go to games just to watch one player, & will not watch unless that player is playing. Some go to games because they have nothing else to do.

Yes, having the score posted may be important, however why should all the focus in interscholastic athletics be the score? How about just going out & doing your best whether you win or lose?

Far too often in the media there's news reports about unsporting games because of what the score ended up as, where's the news reports about a game where both teams played their best & the score did not actually matter?

Interscholastic athletics are supposed to be an extension of the classroom, instilling good morales & values into tomorrow's leaders, how can that be done if all anyone cares about the score?
"Ask not what your teammates can do for you. Ask what you can do for your teammates"--Earvin "Magic" Johnson
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