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Old Tue Mar 22, 2011, 07:01pm
bob jenkins bob jenkins is offline
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Originally Posted by Referee24.7 View Post
A couple of Saturday nights ago (not my game). . .


1:27 left in game

Team A is down 4 points

Team A Player #3 is on fast break and is intentionally fouled by Team B Player #22

Team A #3 reacts by attempting to punch Team B #22 and is assessed a flagrant technical foul resulting in ejection

Team A coach reacts and is assessed a technical foul (NOTE - Team A's assistant coach was assessed a technical foul in 1st half)

Team B coach requests a timeout and is granted

Scoretable alerts officiating crew that Team B has no timeouts remaining, so Team B is assessed a technical foul for excessive timeout

Team A is told by officials that #3 needs to leave the gym and needs a substitute

After timeout, all FT's are shot and they use the intentional foul committed to Team A #3 as point of interruption

Substitute for #3 is Team A #44

Team A #44 shoots first FT of intentional foul and makes shot

Scoretable alerts officiating crew that Team A #44 is not in the scorebook, and Team A is assessed a technical foul for illegal participation

What's everything we need to do and administer?
None of these offset, so we shoot all the FTs for the Ts in the order they occur.

The flagrant T on A33 would give the ball to B, but the excess TO by B gives the ball back to A.

After A shoots for the IP, A inbounds at a spot nearest the foul.
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