Originally Posted by marvin
So - if your association/state dictates that both/all umps wear a jacket if one does; who gets to decide if you are wearing jackets?
Because if you work with me and it's my choice you are probably always going to be cold because I seldom wear a jacket.
I think it is a silly rule to require that all wear jackets if one does. Each individual has a different tolerance for cold/heat and each should be allowed to dress as needed as long as the clothing worn is proper for the sanctioning body. When I see only one ump in a jacket I just assume he's cold and the other person is not.
I totally agree with you, I don't think the comfort of one has to dictate the comfort (or discomfort) of your partner(s). The reason I said it was strange, usually you see the plate in sleeves (due to gear) and the BU(s) in jackets. I personally like the long sleeve jerseys, especially on the plate as opposed to a jacket.