Originally Posted by ASA/NYSSOBLUE
Okay - what do you think of MY stance (taken at the NY State School - the gentleman with the jacket and clipboard is Ed Whipple, a very senior SEC ump who comes up to help at our school):
this was about three years ago, and I have lost about 50 lbs since
Since you asked, I think you look pretty good with Heel Toe. I can't tell about your slot positioning due to the angle of the picture, but there are some clues (only opinion here). Being that your right shoulder looks lower than your left shoulder, that would indicate you are leaning into the strike zone. You may be too far in the slot (hence the lean). The reason I look for this is that is the adjustment I had to make a few years ago, because someone nitpicked me (and he happened to live in NY at the time
). My suggestion to you is to make sure your center your body on the batter's box line, that will put your ear on the plate. Again, I cannot tell from the angle, but there is a lean.
Congrats on the loss of 50 pounds. It seems the only way I could lose 50 pounds is to visit the horse track in England.