Originally Posted by chseagle
Not always is the scorer keeping the scorebook up to date, in which case new personnel should be found to be the scorer.
As I have said before, if the only official information on the scoreboard is the time remaining, then what gives coaches the right/privilege to complain about the information on the scoreboard?
Some scoreboards have the same capabilities of the scorebook by keeping track of the active players & player point & foul totals, so that information is not considered official? If that information is not official then why do coaches yell about errors in that information?
Good grief, we're not giving you our opinions, we're telling you the rule. It's the only official information up there. Just because you post the number of timeouts remaining doesn't make the information official. If we think the scorebook is wrong, can we use your lights to help us? Sure, but the book is still the official score. It would be the official time, too, if there was a way to do it.
To answer your question, they yell because they see it and they think it's official. They also think it's illegal to dribble high and catch your own air ball, that doesn't mean they're right.
And coaches don't yell at the table in my games.