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Old Wed Feb 12, 2003, 10:55am
Hawks Coach Hawks Coach is offline
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Good points. we have an official in one of our leagues that calls a lot of fouls in the post area, but only if you allow a post player to catch and turn. If you are working hard to deny the entry, he almost never calls anything. He has done it all season, and we pointed it out to our players before the very first game we played.

On Saturday, we had two post players foul out, and both complained about phantom fouls. At practice yesterday, I pointed out to them that we had discussed this all year. I then asked them could they have done anything to keep from getting the foul calls, and they both knew that denying the post entry was the answer.

Now granted, I always want us to deny entry, but this guys calls make it doubly important, and we almost lost a game by having my best two post players on the bench for the last couple of minutes. I think they learned a valuable lesson, and hopefully they will take it to heart this weekend.
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