In Montana, conduct unbecoming an official is "Official Misconduct" and, if reported, can carry a $100 fine and a 1 year suspension. We have several coaches in our association, and they understand that they are held to a higher standard than other coaches.
I am vice-chairman of our association, and head evaluator. If our chairman acted like that he would at least be in for a serious discussion with the evaluation committee. That committee would make the decission wether or not to write him up, based on several variables.
If you feel strongly enough about it, and have a grievence, or evaluation committee, I would suggest a private conversation with a member you know well, and make a decision based on that discussion. Often the problem can be handled "in-house".
Good Luck,
p.s. I work a playoff game tomorrow for one of the coaches in our association, he also serves on the eval. committee with me. I would imagine that you had a similar feeling going into that game.