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Old Fri Mar 18, 2011, 01:25pm
amusedofficial amusedofficial is offline
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Originally Posted by IowaMike View Post
1.) I suppose we could go to the old NBA three to make two in the final two minutes of games
I've long thought that this would help clean things up considerably.

As for half v. quarters, I's probably a voice in the wilderness, but I think it changes the complexion of the game, and not necessarily for the better.

first, some jurisdictions use quarters played as a way to determine how someone can "swing" from JV to varsity. Many places apparently have the rule that yhou can play in four quarters between V and JV. With halfs, ito even get garbage time at the end of the V game, the kid would have to sit for half the JV contest, rather than just for one quarter. With quarters, a sophomore who is good enough to sit on varsity bench, but not good enough to play half the game or more can play most of the JV game and get in for a small portion of the V tilt. I think it helps develop players.

The other impact would be on coaches ability to get some free rest for the studs between Q3 and Q4. Very few coaches are smart enough to do it (very few coaches are smart enough to walk and chew gum at the same time for that matter), but subbing out the stud with :30 left in the third can get him or her a few minutes or real time rest, resulting in a fourth quarter with less need to be subbed out
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