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  #46 (permalink)  
Old Fri Mar 18, 2011, 12:24pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: South Dakota
Posts: 173
I would be in favor of going to the 18 minute halves like they do in Minnesota. I have worked some games there, and find the games have a better flow than games with quarter breaks. If they decided to go 16, I would be fine with that as well.

I agree about going back to players leaving on the release of a free throw. I never thought there was a problem officiating these plays, and we have too many officials who don't make this call anyway.

I would like to see a 45 second shot clock in high school basketball. I don't think we should take a coach's opportunity to slow the game down out of the equation, but also don't think we should allow a team to sit on the ball for minutes at a time. I think that's part of the issue with the fouling at the end of games, as that's the only option the defense has to try and get the ball back since there's no shot clock.

I've seen a lot of good ideas posted here, and thought I'd throw in my two cents.
I'm due to make a great call. After all, I've been officiating a long time !!!
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