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Old Fri Mar 18, 2011, 06:48am
Larks Larks is offline
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Originally Posted by Mark Padgett View Post
Here's some I've heard over the past few years from other officials.

1) go to 16 minute halves

2) return to four full timeouts (eliminates "Coach - 60 or 30? 60 or 30? 60 or 30? 60 or 30? 60 or 30? 60 or 30? 60 or 30? 60 or 30? 60 or 30?")

3) eliminate restrictions on logos and corporate sponsorships on uniforms - after all, as long as we can read their numbers on front and back, what the heck difference does it make? If a corporation wants to pay for uniforms and save the school money and all it wants in return is it's logo visible on the uniforms, who cares? (this suggestion came from a ref who's also a HS English teacher)
1) +1 (16 or 18 works for me)
2) How about five 45s?
3) Im not a good uni cop as it is but making it a free for all isnt good either. I think we should get out of the penalty side of uniforms in terms of logos etc and into a reporting role. Let ADs, leagues and HS assoc deal with that crap.
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