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Old Thu Mar 17, 2011, 06:43pm
Mark Padgett Mark Padgett is offline
certified Hot Mom tester
Join Date: Aug 1999
Location: only in my own mind, such as it is
Posts: 12,918
Here's some I've heard over the past few years from other officials.

1) go to 16 minute halves

2) return to four full timeouts (eliminates "Coach - 60 or 30? 60 or 30? 60 or 30? 60 or 30? 60 or 30? 60 or 30? 60 or 30? 60 or 30? 60 or 30?")

3) eliminate restrictions on logos and corporate sponsorships on uniforms - after all, as long as we can read their numbers on front and back, what the heck difference does it make? If a corporation wants to pay for uniforms and save the school money and all it wants in return is it's logo visible on the uniforms, who cares? (this suggestion came from a ref who's also a HS English teacher)

4) anytime a coach receives two direct technicals, he also gets smacked upside the head with a frying pan (OK - that one is from me)

5) require each team to have at least 5 hot moms in the bleachers at every game (OK - that one is from me, too - plus about 5 other guys)
Yom HaShoah
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