Originally Posted by MikeStrybel
I am confused by Wilson's argument. I'm sure that they tested the strength of the unit but what they did is akin to a brake company field testing their new pads on a NASCAR track. I know some of you may think that having amateurs do it is just as silly and I agree. There has to be a better way.
At the same time, Hickox accepted the free gear.
There has been a switch to amateurs and this lawsuit is a one reason why. I have a recent post about a new helmet/plastic faceguard that I was given after first signing a Non Disclosure and a Waiver of Liability.

I didn't read anything further on this piece. Does anyone knows whether MLB umpires receive sponsorship deals for wearing gear?
Years ago they received under the table payments and free gear. Then contracts were drawn but kept confidential. Today, I don't know, I haven't asked any of them, it's a touchy subject.