Originally Posted by stir22
Our pool handles a lot of games for smaller schools. At one of these schools, the book-keeper is an elderly gentleman who has done it for decades. Sometimes when reporting a foul on "his" team he will shake his head in disagreement- once, last year, he watched me report the foul, then waved both his hands at me in disgust.
How would you guys handle this scenario?
I would mimic his gestures. Whenever he would make one, I would stand in front of him and make it back at him. He'll quit doing it pretty quickly.
A few years ago, I had a scorekeeper removed when he refused to mark a technical foul in the book for a player who had used profanity. He said the player was his grandson and his grandson would never swear. What world is he living in? He put down the pencil, crossed his arms across his chest and shook his head from side to side. He gone.