Originally Posted by tcannizzo
"My time" is not annoying to me because to me it means that the umpire is calling time without the request from either the offense or the defense. I am not saying that I call it that way, but it is reasonable to eliminate the need to explain which team is being charged a conference. I'd file it under preventive umpiring. Is it necessary? No.
I actually go a step further here and file it as going well beyond preventative umpiring. If I'm calling time, it's always for a valid reason - I'm either calling it by rule, mechanic, by request, or I'm calling it because conditions justify calling time (which is, again, supported by rule).
If a coach believes I'm going to call time just to screw them out of a charged conference, they need their head checked, and putting the word "my" in front of "time" isn't going to get them a better grip upon reality.