Originally Posted by bainsey
Game four last night of my five-game travel set, time out. I'm waiting on the sideline, ready for the eventual TI admin, when I hear, "You guys move a lot faster on grass!"
Normally, I ignore such comments, but something told me turn around. Of course, it was one of the state's top soccer officials busting my chops. (My partner last night is also on the soccer board.)
I don't pretend it was the best heckle, but it's good enough to start this thread. Any other one-liners to/from other officials you care to share?
Several years back at a GV game, the visiting team's scorer is a former official who stopped calling games and was now helping out his granddaughter's team.
All during the game, he's giving a running commentary to the rest of at the table, making many comments along the lines of "A good official would ..."
When he made another comment at the start of halftime and left the table, I told our timer "And an even better official would know to keep his mouth shut."