Thread: BOO and USC
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Old Sun Feb 09, 2003, 08:56pm
WestMichiganBlue WestMichiganBlue is offline
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More ambiguity

FED Casebook 7.1.2A says "Before a pitch, the umpire may ask the improper batter if she should be at bat. After a pitch, the umpire shall remain silent."

What is "a" pitch? The first pitch? Any pitch? A player is not considered to be "at bat" until after a pitch (the first pitch). Prior to the first pitch, she is not an improper batter. So how can the umpire ask "the improper batter?"

Sometimes I think that we get too nitpicky, and need to deal with "intent" rather than the actual words. IMO, the rules makers gave us the authority, prior to a batter taking the first pitch and if we have reason to believe the batter(to be) is improper, to ask her if she belongs there. That is preventive umpiring. If she get that startled look on her face and runs back to the bench, then we have prevented a future issue. If she say "yes" then we shut up (even if we know she is wrong.) After that it is up to the coaches to make the correction.
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