Originally posted by Snaqwells
Originally posted by Woodee
Seen a Ref at a Varsity game (African American) with long hair in a pony tail.
Whats your thoughts on that????
My first thought is that the local association wants to increase their African-American numbers, and they're willing to relax the appearance standards to do it. Not necessarily a bad thing, but I'm unfornately left wondering if they'd let a white guy wear his hair the same way. But, then again, I'm perhaps a bit overly cynical.
I belong to one association that is 99% African-American, we do not have officials working with long hair. Not unless you are female. Now several individuals have facial hair, including myself, but it is cleanly shaven and taken care of. So trying to increase the numbers of African-Americans should have nothing to do with looking professional. As a matter of fact, I do not know many African-Americans with long hair period. Most African-Americans like to keep their hair short, not long.