IF has precedence
I'm trying to understand the "precedence" impact of the IF in relation to an intentionally dropped fair fly ball.
Rule 8, Section 2 Batter-Runner is out.
J. When an infielder intentionally drops a fair fly ball, including a line drive or
a bunt, which can be caught with ordinary effort with first, first and second,
first and third or first, second and third bases occupied with fewer than two
EFFECT: Dead ball, runners must return to the last base touched at the time
of the pitch. If an infield fly is ruled, it has precedence over an intentionally
dropped ball.
Does this mean that if an IF has [or should have] been called, that a dead ball should NOT be called in the event an infielder intentionally drops a fair popup?
What is the difference, if any, in rule application resulting from a popup on the infield:
less than 2 outs, runners on first and third [no IF called]
less than 2 outs, runners on first and second [IF should be called]
I know an IF can't be called in appropriate situation on a line drive or a bunt that is popped up.
USA & NFHS Softball
Last edited by Tru_in_Blu; Tue Mar 08, 2011 at 07:56am.
Reason: sp