Problems with your rule suggestion:
1) It effectively extends the time remaining for a losing team. My first thought is that this would be unfair, although I'm willing to let go of that feeling.
2) It requires every school in the association or league that adopts it to alter their equipment to standardize the horn length. If the horns were not standardized, then the new rule becomes useless, as teams don't know exactly how long they have.
3) It is, by your admission, unnecessary. Rule changes should address problems, fix inconsistencies, or serve some other useful purpose beyond making it exciting.
Why don't we make dunks worth 3 points? It would add excitement. Or maybe we could make a rule that any basket, in the last two minutes of the game, scored by a player with no fouls, is worth an extra point. It would add strategy.
Sorry, but "excitement" and "strategy" aren't compelling enough reasons for such a drastic and goofy rule change. Which may explain why I'm the first of the unimaginative bloated ego types to actually respond seriously.