Originally Posted by shipwreck
My personal opinion (and that's all it is) is that a gray ball bag with gray pants looks about as stupid as navy pants with navy shirt (the Jack Lalane jumpsuit look) Dave
How does matching the colors of ball bag and pants to avoid the sore thumb look offend the fashion police?
uniform is a
uniform, meaning sameness, "officialness", consistency with partner(s). Any color and any combination of colors that is prescribed is a
uniform and has the effect of distinguishing officials from players and announces our authority/preparation.
Sure, green pants with pink polka dot shirts
would take a while to gain acceptance with our fashionable/machismo cultural attitudes, and that would go against our need to be unobstrusive. But if prescribed that would be a
Just to be clear, I am always and strongly opposed to changing uniforms just for a different color, different style, different insignia; when a current uniform component is just fine and not deteriorated.