Fed pitching question
I work for a variety of organizations (Fed, USSSA, NCAA small college). At this weekends Utrip meeting a pitching violation was discussed. It differs from what the Feds say. I wonder what you interpret/rule.
Pitcher stands behind pitching plate, puts her hands together and then steps on the rubber, keeping hands together. Fed casebook 6.1.1 says this is illegal as per Fed 6-1-1a. Utrip also says this is illegal unless pitcher backs off rubber or calls time. Fed seems to say illegal no matter what.
In Fed, when is the illegal pitch called? At the moment the pitcher steps on the rubber with hands together? Utrip would call for waiting until the pitch is delivered (giving the pitcher a chance to step back and negate the pitch), and then going with delayed dead ball if pitch is indeed delivered. What about other orgs? I don't have my NCAA manual with me.What do you do?