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Old Sun Mar 06, 2011, 09:00pm
DG DG is offline
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Worked a summer college league wood bat DH 3-4 years ago, where I tossed the starting pitcher in the 1st inning for cursing at me over a call on the bases.

At the plate meeting for the 2nd game the coach comes out and before handing me the lineup card says he wants to use the starter from the last game since he was tossed so early. It was a statement, but was really a question. I told him that was last game this is this game and I am certainly over it if he is.

Now this is different situation than a coach being a butt early and continuing ast the game goes on. Personal, profane and prolonged with let you tossed. Prolonged can happen in one discussion, or over time as they add up.

If I toss a coach in first game it has little bearing on the second, from my perspective. But during a game the straws can keep piling up until the camel back can't take it anymore. The coaches and players are not bigger than the game either.