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Old Sat Mar 05, 2011, 01:30am
Simply The Best Simply The Best is offline
In Time Out
Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 244
Originally Posted by MikeStrybel View Post
I've been away from U.S. baseball for a while and am restocking my gear and uniforms now. The new black shirts that are being worn by MLB umpires are out and the few preseason games I have seen clips of show them being worn. They are mostly black with white piping on the side and a small detail at the sleeve.

I am not one of those umpires who needs to have the newest stuff each year - my gear is an investment that lasts a while. I do not want to get several shirts now and see them obsolete in a year. I began umpiring in Elbeco shirts and saw the switch happen faster than many of us figured it would. NCAA changed almost immediately and then the local ball followed in what seemed like a sprint to look more professional.

Is anyone planning to use the new light blue or black shirts this season? Did your organization switch over or is it just personal preference? Do you think that they will be the standard next year? Thanks for your thoughts.
We have an association rule which allows new unis only between partners who have been assigned together for a season. If you are floating, then there are guidelines on what you can wear. Given that these guidelines are broad (several colors for shirts, heather pants, association hats, etc), old gear is always acceptable as is new gear as long as you match up with your partner(s).

Several partners have chosen the new light blue due to the heat and sun coming soon. The new black for night games.
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