Thread: BOO and USC
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Old Sat Feb 08, 2003, 01:45pm
greymule greymule is offline
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Failing to call attention to batting out of order is in no way USC. And you as an ump should not respond to anything except an official appeal by the defense. Even if you know the batter is the wrong one, you say nothing.

If the offensive coach comes out and says, "We just batted out of order. What do we do?" Unless the defense appeals, you just inform the coach that the next legal batter is the one who follows the one who just batted. Of course, by this time, somebody on the defense will probably figure out what's going on and appeal. On the other hand, the defensive coach might be well aware of the BOO but choose not to appeal.

Years ago, the Pirates batted out of order all evening against the Mets, but the Mets said nothing until someone batting out of order got a key hit. I think it was the third time around the lineup.
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