Thu Mar 03, 2011, 02:01am
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: NY state
Posts: 1,504
Originally Posted by robbie
OK - Now a twist.
No outs when the decpetion occurs.
Then B3 makes an out. Then B4 makes an out.
Then B5 gets the hit referenced in the OP.
Ok, so you call both runners out and eject the coach as in the ASA reference above (or both runners out and eject all as many have suggested.)
All ejected parties evacuate and the "new" head coach calmly approaches the U and says:
" Hey Blue, I got a problem with that call. My B2 batted first and then B1 then B3. We were very glad the D did not catch it and appeal, but all that action stands and the proper B5 got a hit. You gotta fix it."
Rut ro, now what??
You are funny. Really.