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Old Mon Feb 28, 2011, 11:01am
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Originally Posted by JBleach85 View Post
This was a huge mistake that thankfully didn't cost Louisville the game. As for the technical foul it falls under 10.9d under Admin. Fouls, and team followers.

9d: Delaying the game be preventing the ball from being promoptly made live or by preventing continuous play...

That is the reason why it represents a T, because the male cheerleader picked up the ball and threw it in the air. As for the horn it went off after, he the male cheerleader, picked up the ball. There was about .5 left on the clock when Kuric flushed the dunked, so that is why they went to the monitor to find the correct time.

I hope that helps and clears everything up.
So the ball went through the hoop, into the hands of the cheerleader who then threw it into the air. All this happened in .5 second?
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