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Old Fri Feb 25, 2011, 05:48pm
Kelvin green Kelvin green is offline
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Originally Posted by letemplay View Post
I'll say this for you then, you must have some really good eyesight and/or a perfect sightline from where you were sitting in stands, through the player that touched ball in FC, and to the clock on wall. To be able to tell it was touched at the exact time the RUNNING clock showed in tenth's of a second...that's bringin it.
It was after a timeout so clock was stopped. I was standing near the endline so I had the same view...

In most normal situations this accuracy may be good, but at the end of a quarter and 11. 5 seconds run off, how can we say that is accurate? and say no big deal we would not blow the whistle.

If the idea is to get it right this is a situation we have to get right.

Everyone knows we just screwed good defense ... If the official had called the 10 seconds atllets say 17 and it ran to 16.3 and we knew that, would we let that go as well?
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