Originally Posted by ManInBlue
These are FED rules - is anything "divine?"
Hey guys, thanks for the input. You cleared up my initial thoughts. I have to admit, I had not read the CB play with a CR entering for another - and that had me slightly stumped - but a CR is a CR period - still an eligible sub. Good deal. I hate when a respected party makes comments that make you question what you knew to be correct.
For the record - I have BOTH the rule book and the case book - and know the rules - I had been confused by 'others' comments, then started thinking and reading - and nothing was clearing up on my own.
It's all good - and I don't think I can even "yeah but" this one any farther, even just for the fun of it.
Good question to make you think. I think the biggest problem is that often coaches want to replace the CR with another CR who is NOT eligible. That is what we see most of the time. No matter how many times you remind them, here comes the same runner to run for F2 who just ran for F1 etc.,