Originally Posted by Mark T. DeNucci, Sr.
It has been a number of years since I wore a shirt with a collar, but the last year that the OhioHSAA allowed either the collar or collarless shirt to be worn as long as the entire crew wore the same type of shirt was years ago and I would take both types of shirts even though no one was wearing shirts with collars anymore until I did the championship game in a girls' H.S. varsity Christmas holliday tournament and my partner had only shirts with collars because he thought the collarless shirts didn't look good and he wasn't about to buy any of them until he was required to wear them. We wore shirts with collars that night.
MTD, Sr.
The last year I remember wearing a shirt with a collar is in my first year which was back in 1996-1997. Many veterans had both and we would wear the V-neck if he had the same shirt in our bags. I did not even buy an actual basketball collared shirt, but used my football shirt (which had a pocket) that I would use the rare time if someone did not have the collared shirt. That was also the same year the beltless pants were becoming very popular as most guys did not use a belt in their pants anymore. I am sure the trend was changing before then, but I remember this as it was a constant conversation as to what we would wear before every game. I think the NF also changed some language at that time which opened up this can of worms.